Once heart transplants became common and the person receiving the transplant didn't change, they stopped claiming that the heart is the "seat of our emotions" the way the once did on a regular basis. They let that notion fade away without an explanation.
Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
Outcast Doctrines
by Socrateswannabe inin a recent post about the watchtower’s claim that all animals were created as vegetarians, one commenter said that watchtower could no longer sustain this belief so they simply stopped talking about it.
i began thinking about other wacky doctrines and statements by the borg that have faded away.
i’ll offer two of them below, but the complete list must be longer than your arm.. 7000 year-long creative days: watchtower once taught that each of the creative days was 7,000 years in duration, hence the hype leading up to 1975. they believed that year marked 6,000 years since adam’s creation, and oh how nicely the 1,000-year reign would fit as the last piece of the puzzle, thus completing the final “day”.
The JW media Mecca
by lastmanstanding ini was thinking about how the org is dying, and how the guboobs are trying to give it cpr by transitioning to tvpreach.
now they will construct a media mecca and it looks like they will go full on e digital.
so, i was trying to come up with a name for their new hollywood that would stick.
Pete Zahut
Paradise Pictures
Overlappingwood Studioss
Millennium Bros. Productions
Only One Destiny for All Christians
by cofty inthe following is an extract from an article i wrote when i left the watchtower 25 years ago.
it may be helpful in reasoning with a jw about the anointed/great crowd distinction.. --------------------------------.
to divide people into those with a heavenly hope and those with an earthly one is not a biblical concept.
Pete Zahut
Gotta love the word of god.... you can cherry pick scriptures to prove just about anything you want and they all seem to make sense if you want them to badly enough
And on it goes....
Would You Ever Go Back To The Witnesses??
by minimus inevery once in a while you hear people say they actually “miss” their old witness friends and or family.
some would have even stayed in the organization if they became a bit more liberal and open minded.
Pete Zahut
a watcher9 hours ago
I did, twice, because Jehovah was not the problem. I was the problem. I'm on my 3rd try and I've been active for a decade now, and doing better than ever. Jehovah is mercifulWell if A Watcher has mended his ways and quit stumbling people I might give it a try. Trouble is, he goes to meetings and yet leads a double life being an A-hole here. I suspect he's that way every where he goes and there are plenty of others like him doing the same. Jehovah isn't the problem...it's the people who claim to be his people. The more sure they are about being right....the worse the are.
Shooting outside Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses
by annihilator ingastonia authorities respond to shooting outside kingdom hall of jehovah’s witnesses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-laxczssvgs
Pete Zahut
Like WiFi apparently the Holy Spirit only works inside the Hall and doesn’t reach the outside of the building.
Documentary Examines Alleged Child Sex Abuse Within Jehovah's Witnesses
by annihilator inin february, oxygen will premiere a two-part documentary about the jehovah’s witnesses in which a journalist who has spent five years looking at the group alleges “an abuse story that has layers of coverup.”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wy4qx7lraa.
Pete Zahut
annihilator20 hours ago
As of February 2015, approximately 77.5 million American households (66.5% of households with television) receive Oxygen.Under its current format, the network primarily competes with Investigation Discovery and HLN.
PIMI relative complains about convention venue.
by joe134cd ini have just got of the phone with a relative complaining about the convention venue.
as far as my relative is concerned wt can do no wrong, so for him to say what he did it must of been bad.
the venue where the convention was held was described to me as a “tin shed with no air conditioning”.
Pete Zahut
Tell him to cheer up. Maybe his experience will be mentioned at an assembly in some third world country where they have to wade through alligator infested swamps but they don't have to endure the cold.
Circus Assembly Jaw Dropper
by Slidin Fast inthe co got on his hind legs for the public talk and repeated twice "tolerance promotes division".
then backed it up by saying that if one group march for some right, another group will march for the opposite.. so jws are intolerant and proud of it.
f@@@k me sideways.. may explain that the baptism tally was 0..
Pete Zahut
"Tolerance promotes division"
To be fair, typically JW's promote tolerance “Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Even as Jehovah freely forgave you, so do you also.” (Col3:13)
I suspect that the above statement may have been taken out of context a bit. My guess is that this talk was about not tolerating that which is considered to be "wrongdoing" within the JW organization. There will be those who think that the Elders should be lenient toward certain "wrongdoers" or certain types of "wrongdoing" but if they tolerate wrongdoing of any kind, it will cause divisions.
After the death of a spouse, how long did people wait to get remarried?
by RubaDub ini was on the phone with a long-time friend from my original congregation north of new york city and she told me that the 'shit hit the fan' when a brother (long-time elder i know well) got remarried about 6 weeks after his wife died.. he was about 60 and his new wife (a pioneer that i also know) was about 50 and had never been married.. it became a huge issue when the co came.
due to all the talk and chatter in the congregation, he even included in one of his talks without naming names, that marriage is something sacred and that when and how people get married is a personal matter as long as it conforms to bible standards.. anyway, it shut everybody up.
any similar experiences in your current/former congregations?.
Pete Zahut
There was a young couple in a local congregation in our area and the father of the young wife, married the single mother of the young husband, a few months after his wife passed away. The young couple were very upset not only because the parents didn't wait a "respectable" amount of time, but this marriage, made them stepbrother and stepsister. The daughter was especially upset because she felt her father showed disrespect for the memory of her mother and it made it seem as if the older couple had something going on previously.
Loneliness is not fun to deal with but they say one should go through a complete grieving process before making any big decisions and marriage is one of them. To be sure that grief isn't influencing your common sense, the rule of thumb is to give yourself one months grieving time for every year that you were involved with the thing that you lost. ( ie wait 24 months after losing a spouse of 24 years of marriage)
2 years would be a long time to wait to remarry if you were suffering from loneliness, especially since dating for 2 years in the JW world, is so restricted.
Were You Willing To Die For Jehovah?
by minimus inwe were supposed to be dedicated unconditionally to jehovah god.
we were willing to be persecuted to the death if need be.
if it came to taking a blood transfusion or dying, we were loyal to jehovah and would be a martyr for god.
Pete Zahut
As a side note about blood transfusions and dying for Jehovah...
My sons non JW girlfriend recently received her Nursing Degree and was immediately hired at a world famous local hospital.
Part of her new employee training dealt with how to handle Jehovah's Witnesses.
She told us that the hospital requires the nurses to visit the JW patient after the liaison committee leaves, to make sure they really don't want a blood transfusion. She said this is because once the Liaison Committee members leave, the majority of JW's (especially younger ones) beg them not to let them die and to do whatever it takes to keep them alive. They want to live but are afraid of what will happen when their Elders find out they didn't follow through with their refusal of blood. The hospital staff then assures them that their privacy will be upheld and their decision will be kept private.
It's scary to think that I went around all those years thinking that I'd die over this matter when in reality (at least at this major hospital) most JW's secretly accept a blood transfusion....so much so that it's become a standard operation procedure for them to follow up on this with their JW patients and to include it in their new nurses training.